CVIOS Member Christmas Lunch 2021

On Dec 5th, members of the CVIOS gathered to celebrate the season. We were happy the forecasted snow did not appear as we enjoyed an afternoon of delicious food, a festive silent auction table and several holiday themed orchid displays.

We were happy to enjoy the company of new members, Sam and Zuska as others shared stories of just how unusual 2021 has been. Many are looking forward to more opportunities to gather in 2022 including reconvening orchid events such as the Annual Show and Sale.

Valerie set up 19 miniature orchids in a holiday themed terrarium - it was fascinating to see so many tiny blooms in such a small space. Darlene and Judy set up several blooming plants amongst colourful decorations. Judy’s display of several stunning paphiopedilums and an oncidium twinkle received the most votes for the best display.

We look forward to seeing everyone again at our next general meeting in January 2022. Have a safe and happy Christmas!